John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza

John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza in Texas

Dallas’ John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza was dedicated June 24, 1970. In the years since, it has become an integral part of the city’s urban landscape and cultural heritage. It is located one block east of Dealey Plaza, between Main and Commerce streets, on land donated by Dallas County. The Museum is currently leading a community initiative to restore this important landmark. Renowned American architect Philip Johnson’s design is a cenotaph, or “open tomb,” that symbolizes the freedom of John F. Kennedy’s spirit. The memorial, a square, roofless room, 30 feet high and 50 by 50 feet wide, sits in the middle of the block with narrow openings facing north and south. The walls consist of 72 white pre-cast concrete columns, most of which seem to float with no visible support 29 inches above the ground.

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